Friday 8 September 2017


Marketing Made Simple


One mistake looms larger than all others. It's the most basic mistake, yet it's also the most common. 
Every day, countless individuals make an investment in PLR content. Marketers of all skill levels and experience encounter great PLR offers and open their wallets in order to acquire these potentially powerful resources. 
Every day, a significant percentage of those who've purchased private label rights material will let the files sit on their hard drive, undisturbed. Sometimes, they remain in .zip archives, never examined and never disturbed. 
In many cases, the buyers don't even get that far. They fail to even, download the content in the first place. 
The failure to take action is the number one PLR mistake and it's seemingly an epidemic. No one can really trace statistics on PLR usage, by product buyers, but many argue (based on personal experience) that only a small minority of purchasers every bother to "break the seal" on their content. 
What causes this failure? Here are a few common causes. 
First, some people buy the material without first having a good idea of how they'll actually use it. 
They get caught up in the excitement surrounding private label rights content without first gaining a solid understanding of how leverage it, to their advantage. 
Second, much of the disuse stems from the Internet marketing equivalent of the dinner time phenomena known as having eyes that are bigger than one's stomach. 
People will often pile their plate with food, assuming that they are so hungry that they'll be able to eat it all and then go back for seconds, but they then discover, that they're full after just a few bites. 
This happens in the IM world, too. Instead of stomach capacity, however, the issue is time. Most marketers have more good ideas than they have time to implement them. They'll jump to start a new project only to find themselves unable to follow through with their best intentions. 
Third, there are those folks who spend their days dreaming of online success who aren't actually capable of following through with anything. 
They're the serial buyers who dabble in everything, but never master any one thing. This sub-group undoubtedly accounts for part of the unused PLR content out there! 
Fourth, there are those who fail to do their homework until they've made a purchase. They mistakenly perceive PLR content as an automatic cure-all. 
When they later discover that its successful use requires a modicum of effort, they stop dead in their tracks. 
This is obviously a mistake—buying something you never use—but it's incredibly common. (Look at some of the tools in your garage ) 
Here's how to avoid becoming one of those guys or gals with PLR content gathering digital dust and megabyte mold on your unused files. 
First, develop a plan. Before you plunk down a dollar for PLR content, have an idea of what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. Then, go an extra step. 
Figure out when you're going to do it! That's right, plan your time. Set aside the hours necessary to see your project through to fruition. There's no use in purchasing the content if you don't have a plan for its use. 
Second, look before you leap. Find out what's going to be involved in the implementation of your plan. Not only will this help you in terms of time management, it will also allow you to follow through with your approach in a coherent fashion. 
You need to know what PLR content is all about and how it really works before you buy any of it. 
Third, practice restraint based on your productivity. 
If you're continuing to stockpile PLR content that you're not getting around to using, slam on the brakes. There's no reason to create a lasting inventory of PLR content when you obviously are never approaching a point at which you will use it. If you notice that your "to do" pile is getting a lot bigger that your "what I can do" pile, you need to make adjustments. 
You only have so much time to spend on your business. That means you only have so much time to spend with PLR content. You need to manage that time wisely. 
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