Thursday 14 September 2017


Marketing Made Simple


Here's the ugly fact that no one in the PLR industry really likes to talk about. You might not want to use the stuff "right out of the box". PLR is not an effortless solution to everyone's content needs. 
You'll want to dig in and rewrite the material if you hope to use it for some of the desired applications. 
If you want to experience real results with PLR content by using it as web content, blog posts, or article marketing, you'll want to do rewrites. 
If you just toss it onto the web, "as is", you won't get much out of it, if anything. 
You can count on three things in this world: Death, taxes, and that fact that Google isn't going to reward you with a massive traffic tsunami because you know how to cut and past PLR content. 
There are uses for private label rights materials that don't involve making Google love you. This would include using your content for autoresponder series, creating ebooks or reports to sell, etc. Basically, any function that occurs after the search engines have done their job is a great place for good raw PLR. 
Interaction between you and your customer/prospect with text, does not need to be unique. 
It does, however, need to be edited. 
Here's why. 
First, the quality of PLR content varies. In order to decrease costs on PLR offerings, vendors often go after the least expensive writers they can find. As a result, you'll find some miserable text in most PLR bundles. 
That may sound harsh, but it's true. Some of the stuff just isn't very good. And you don't want to rely upon that substandard material to grow your business. 
Second, even good material may require some editing. If you're trying to assemble an ebook from a collection of PLR articles, for instance, even an assortment of tremendous articles will need a little help. That's because you'll naturally find redundancies between articles. 
Additionally, the structure of those articles will make your ebook read and feel like a disjointed series of articles (which is what it would be). 
Take the time to do things the right way. Prepare yourself to rewrite parts of your PLR content and never assume that any part of a PLR package will really be "plug and play". 
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